The image shows an aerial view of a red jet boat making a sharp turn on a greenish-blue river, creating wide, sweeping trails of white water behind it, illustrating the excitement and dynamic movement of the high-speed ride

Influencers and Content Creators

Looking to collaborate with Shotover Jet?

Do you love to inspire others to travel and try new experiences? Are you a storyteller at heart and get excited to share your vision with others?

We love collaborating with content creators, storytellers and influencers to share our experience at Shotover Jet! Operating since 1965 and thrilling over 4 million manuhiri, we pride ourselves on being the World's Most Exciting Jet Boat Ride and fun for all the whānau.

If you are interested in working with us, please fill out the form below.  We ask that you complete this request form a minimum of 14 working days in advance to your desired trip date.

Complete form here